This blogpost aims to take you a bit on my journey. I am hoping that what I am sharing will be nourishment to you and may spark some curious thoughts, ideas and invitations for collaborations among ourselves and with others. […] I have found that there need to be more of us, who look at what’s below our feet and understand how the earth beneath our feet can be fed by our “waste” (manure and humanure, food scraps, garden “waste”…).and see how this is an important step towards integrating death as part of the ecology of life.
Read MoreHeaded Home to the West Coast – Visiting Concow Meadows Research Station
Looking at the landscape I saw a lot of heat scars, dead trees even right by the coast… the past five years certainly have come with heat and wild fires, drought and renewal. It leaves me with a mix of feelings of sadness, despair and motivation to help regenerate. Listening to the radio in the car it seemed time hadn’t moved on – same old classics, as if the world was still like 1970 – but the radio shows do talk about how to save water, how to deal with waste and what to make out of Ukraine and Russia.
Read MoreBergwaldprojekt – Planting trees in the UNESCO Biosphere Region Pfälzer Wald
Being off grid for a week planting climate resilient trees in the UNESCO Biosphere Region Pfälzerwald, Germany with the Bergwaldprojekt e.V. in Autumn 2020.
Read MoreWe Are In.Tuition – Design for a fieldbook full of inspiration
Designing the layout for a fieldbook on intuition was a true pleasure. The collaboration with the initiators Ele Jansen and Monique Potts was one of appreciation from both sides.
#intuition #universe #non-violent communication #transdisciplinary approach #art #theoryU #deep ecology #possibility management #Dragon Dreaming #The Arte of Hosting #SocialPresencingTheater #OpenValueNetwork #Hidden Commitments / Immunity to Change #Magic #Shamanism #Emergence Pedagogy #Coyote Pedagogy #Open Space Technology #Hero’s Journey #Positionality #conversational intelligence #serendipty management #
Read MoreChristmas Market in Eberswalde
“Ottilie’s Tierwelt” beim Weihnachtsmarkt Eberswalde / Ottilie’s Tierwelt at the Christmas Market Eberswalde – Featuring “die eierlegende Wollmilchsau”, “Das kleine ABC der Tiere” and some crazy deep sea creature illustrations.
Read MoreLove And Light
Grief and Love for those cyclists, that were victims to an insane truck driver in Lower Manhattan yesterday… Love and Light to their friends and family and into the world, so in resonance such things will be prevented by empathy and understanding for one another…
More background information here: >
Bergwaldprojekt Moorwiedervernässung auf Rügen im Jasmund Nationalpark
One week on the baltic island Rügen with the Bergwald Projekt digging in the mud, moving water buckets in a chain to install dams that will help rehydrate the MOOR (wetlands). Truly useful sustainability work, helping restore a piece of nature.
Read MorePaint The Wall
The Raccoon and the Moose are my first wall painting, approx. 4m x 8m – We used a grid, two people and a rough eye to transfer the sketch onto the wall. // LOCATION: Berlin Lichtenberg
// ARTWORK: A raccoon because there is a raccoon family living in the space and a Moose, that stands for the cartype which can be found around there a lot.
Should I stay or should I go? →
Should I stay or should I go? – Zwei Monate bin ich unterwegs durch die USA und Kanada, um meine Fühler nach Orten des Ankommens auszustrecken. Auf der Suche nach einer möglichen neuen Heimat und natürlich nach mir selber, in Montreal und Ithaca, NY.
Read MoreCD-Design for friends // LINKAA DEBUT ALBUM
I was lucky to have the chance to design the Debut Album for my friends Polina and Aaron and their band "LINKAA" this year. We chose the Pangolin as the key visual, to honor this special, versatile creature, as it is at the brink of extinction.
Favoriten gehen sehen... // Designs für den Kirschgarten Werder
Im Laufe eines Design-Prozesses gibt es oft Abschiede von favorisierten Entwürfen, sei es aufgrund ihrer *fehlenden* Funktionalität oder einfach eine Geschmacksfrage.
Read MoreDer verSchöneRmann Wald Frühjahrsputz
…ist eine Nachbarschafts-Aktion, bei der Nachbarn gemeinsam einen Wald entrümpeln.
Read MoreRemembrance Day for Lost Species // Nacht der ausgestorbenen Tiere @ Baumhaus Wedding
In honor of the amazing biodoversity of our planet, for the Remembrance Day for Lost Species we put together an evening of poetry, art, animation and board game. The event took place at the neighborhood project Baumhaus in Berlin Wedding.
Read MoreDas kleine ABC der Tiere // new release
"Das kleine ABC der Tiere – Jenni Ottilie Keppler" – Umweltschonend und gemeinwohlorientiert produziert von Oktoberdruck AG in Berlin im Herbst 2016. CC-BY-SA Jenni Ottilie Keppler.
Read More// A day and a half at POC 21 //
The final exhibition of all the Open Source Hardware projects of in the Castle of Millemont, 50km away from Paris.
Read MoreCrossing the States by Train, bus, bike and thumb – July & August 2015
Photographs of my bike travels through unspeakably beautiful places. Enjoy.
Designing collaboratively can pose a great challenge, if you don't do it right. From my experience it works really well, when files are passed on chronologically between designers. That way we get our own space and time to work on it in our secret chamber. After some chamber time...
Read MoreSetting out Travel-DVDs of "VOICES OF TRANSITION"
Sharing VOICES OF TRANSITION along the way // USA, July & August 2015 // As I'm the kind of person, that feels guilty about leaving a giant CO2-print in the air by crossing the ocean, I do try to make up for that as much as I can by sharing inspiration and goodness as well as absorbing and receiving inspiration as much as I can, just like a sponge, wringing myself out when back home to share new ideas and what I've seen.
Read MoreVernissage-Einladung zur Tiefsee-Expedition von-Stolz-und-Keppler – am 9.Mai 2015
Am 9.Mai 2015, um 17Uhr ist es soweit, die Pforten der königlichen Tiefseeakademie in Sassnitz, Böttcherstr. 5, öffnen sich für großes Publikum. Hier schon ein paar erste Ein- und Ausblicke darauf.
Es erwarten Sie mit vielen Krakenarmen, Philippe Armando von Stolz (Expeditionsleiter) & Fräulein Jenniviève Ottilie Keppler (Zeichnerin und Kunstmalerin).
Photo and Art of The Kraken by Philipp Stulz, Photo and Art of Fish Ink Drawing by Jenni Ottilie Keppler
Wishing You a fantastic WoolMilkSow-Time in 2015
Eierlegende Wollmilchsau // Egg-laying woolmilksow – dare and ask for the seemingly impossible in 2015!
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