This blogpost aims to take you a bit on my journey. I am hoping that what I am sharing will be nourishment to you and may spark some curious thoughts, ideas and invitations for collaborations among ourselves and with others. […] I have found that there need to be more of us, who look at what’s below our feet and understand how the earth beneath our feet can be fed by our “waste” (manure and humanure, food scraps, garden “waste”…).and see how this is an important step towards integrating death as part of the ecology of life.
Read MoreShould I stay or should I go? →
Should I stay or should I go? – Zwei Monate bin ich unterwegs durch die USA und Kanada, um meine Fühler nach Orten des Ankommens auszustrecken. Auf der Suche nach einer möglichen neuen Heimat und natürlich nach mir selber, in Montreal und Ithaca, NY.
Read MoreCrossing the States by Train, bus, bike and thumb – July & August 2015
Photographs of my bike travels through unspeakably beautiful places. Enjoy.
Read MoreSetting out Travel-DVDs of "VOICES OF TRANSITION"
Sharing VOICES OF TRANSITION along the way // USA, July & August 2015 // As I'm the kind of person, that feels guilty about leaving a giant CO2-print in the air by crossing the ocean, I do try to make up for that as much as I can by sharing inspiration and goodness as well as absorbing and receiving inspiration as much as I can, just like a sponge, wringing myself out when back home to share new ideas and what I've seen.
Read More…So this is New York…
Where the dog poop on the sidewalk looks like something.
Where the dog poop on the sidewalk looks like something…
Over the course of the past week I've met so many interesting people from all sorts of different professional fields, mostly by chance, check out this quick list:
* An ESL teacher / Permaculture Activist * A Neural Engineer (helping people who had strokes regain their ability to fully function by using virtuality as a stimulus, FYI: There's a strong trend / increase in Toddlers getting strokes, but nobody knows the reason for that yet… very strange…) * An Environmental Engineer helping to restore patches of land that have been contaminated * 2 female Comedians from Toronto > * A woman working at the UN / Permaculture Activist-ish * Community Manager of the Co-Working space WeWork > * A VERY hearty musician and his colleagues > Josiah, The Head and the Heart * Several Developers > * A Permaculturistic Designer > * Architect who once worked his a** off for Rafael Vinoly (known for his car-frying buildings) * A very inspiring Herbologist * A set designers who just joined a Union * Somebody who goes into schools to give teachers feedback on their teaching (posture etc.) * Animators (that was actually 2 weeks ago) working doing animation that supports political (left-wing) causes (e.g. M.Moore's Bowling For Columbine)
All that in a city where there's dog poop on the sidewalk that looks like a rhino thinking: So this is New York…
Brooklyn Fall