Illustration Prop for my Research on Circular Sanitation | November 2022

Jenni OTTILIE Keppler

Visual sensemaker, Social & Environmental Interaction Catalyst – Graphic Recorder

Based out of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island – I love working as a visual scribe/graphic recorder during conferences and gatherings where help multi-stakeholder groups align their vision and actions. As a systems thinker I offer a broader perspective in which the graphic exists in. At the end of the day / conference I often give a walk through of the visual, which can be a wonderful way of closing the event. My focus is on regenerative small-hold agriculture, ecological restoration, the animal kingdom, resilient governance, community health, resilience, climate change, initiatives that are empowering to healing people and the land.


If you would like to get in touch please email me or if you are interested in working together for a conference take a look at my Client Questionnaire for Visual Scribing

MISSION (as of 01.2025):

BUILDING Relationships with ALL BEINGS around me – seeing the World THROUGH A LENS OF animacy.

I am endlessly grateful to be living and working on the traditional lands of the Snuneymuxw First Nation.

Call for collaboration on making this happen:


If you are curious and would like to be part of the organizing team, please reach out!


“The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”
(Charles Eisenstein)

…and regularly asking…

What is mine to do?


Visual Scribing: Graphic Recording, Generative Scribing, Visual Sensemaking, Sketchnoting, Illustration, Graphic Design, Alternative Communication Strategies, Conceptual Thinking

Systems Thinking and Soft Systems Modelling with multiple stakeholders: Useful in the early stage of a project to develop a shared vision and alignment.


My work has been featured on Spiegel-OnlineArte, and several other blogs and platforms.


  • Master of Science in Global Change Management at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany. Graduated February 2024.
    (September 2019 — February 2024)

  • Visiting Graduate Researcher with the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) at Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada.
    Research on the implementation of regional-scale Circular Sanitation solutions in the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region applying a systems thinking approach involving systems modelling and interviews and a workshop with multiple stakeholders.
    (April 2022 – February 2024)

  • International Forest Ecosystem Management B.Sc. at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (2018–2019, no degree)

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Design, University of Art and Design Burg Giebichenstein Halle, Germany (2008–2013)

  • Erasmus all'ISIA Urbino, Italy (6 months, 2011)

  • Life on planet earth (1986 – now)

ACADEMIC Scholarships

  • DAAD: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (German Academic Exchange Service): DAAD.HAW International für Abschlussarbeiten
    (6 months; April 2022 – September 2022)

  • DAAD: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst
    (German Academic Exchange Service): Scholarship for Research in UNESCO Biosphere Regions
    (3 months; October 2022 – January 2023)


  • Selected for the International Animation Festival Supertoon Festival 2014 in Sibenik with the Music Animation Video "Ghosts" in the categories Animation Short and Animated Music Video

  • Nominated thrice for the Giebichenstein Design Preis 2013 (for TAAK! Tauschakademie + CuriosiTea)

  • Awarded for TAAK! Tauschakademie with the Special Award of the Freistil e.V. Jugendengagementwettbewerb (2013)


  • Natural flame holder of community and team spirit

  • All Natural Networker

  • First one on the dance floor

  • Fluent: English, German, Italian
    Intermediate: Spanish, French

Soft Skills

deep listening, emotional intelligence, compassionate communication

Other valuable Experiences

I was able to collect a grand variety of experiences while traveling by bike and foot, hitch hiking, food saving, bartering, canoeing down the Hudson for the Two Row Camp, dancing, wwoofing, selling asparagus, recycling at Zero Waste events, visiting recycling sites, studying and social-working in Italy, attending international team building seminars and exchanges, working and organizing in different team settings for events and trips.

Incomplete list of Commissioners of the past few years

Teaching & Workshops:

Let's create together!