Dear fellow human,
may this find you in the right moment, and may this offer you something you have been looking for.
Before you embark on the journey of this email, I invite you to get a cup of tea, a pen and a paper and set aside some time for yourself (10–30minutes?).
This shall be quality time for yourself, something you treat yourself to,
something that reminds you of how life can be so beautiful when we are present. :)
Ready? —
Then, let’s begin…
Breath & INtention
Now, that 2024 is behind us – or maybe better so inside of us – it feels appropriate to take a deep breath together. …
Let’s breathe out some of that old air, sending off all of the unwanted glamour and debris…
Breathing in some inspiration.
Some new fresh air of magic and possibility.
Stopping and holding a moment for gathering
Intention means bringing attention to where we are wanting to go.
This is the moment where pen and paper may make their way into your hands.
You are invited to check in with yourself and listen closely when asking yourself the following questions:
What do you thrive for?
What gets you out of bed with joy?
What is your purpose?
What is your intention for this year?
This month?
This day?
Right now?
“May this be the right moment to do this – or not.” The right timing.
Timing — Kairos.
Time — Cronos (aka. Kronos, Cronus)
As the world seems to fall apart, reassembling herself, societal anxiety is trying to hold a clasping grip on our sanity and we cry out:
“We’ve run this world down. It’s too late to save her! We’re too late!”
What if though… it is just the right time?
If things are just unfolding in their own divine rhythm? In their unique ways – and our little structure-yearning minds are trying too hard to make sense of the larger timing we are walking in? What if we asked our bodies? The perceiver and receiver of it all. The body – A sacred space. She has led me so wisely this past year – To the ground in her own way. To the bone in her own way – grieving a loss my mind hadn't quite comprehended. Sick three times in a row – never happened before. My father passing – never happened before. I am thankful now as I feel my spirit is in bright communion with him as he walks the realm on the other side of the veil, enriching my ancestral world with his love and warmth and at times even feeling closer to me than before.
Timing – the "right" time
This past year to me has been an awakening to the world of Kairos.
Kairos — the right time for an action, a word – for it to have its strongest impact …being present with that which wants to emerge out of the moment, a coming together, an opportunity, a synchronicity, flow, the divine alignment of time, the frequency of miracles. A turn around the sun ago I asked to witness miracles — and I was able to witness and receive them. My future oriented cronos-prone mind sure had her troubles taking the backseat when some of my dearest humans can be as Kairos as it gets. It is the child-like energy of being led by exploration, following the invisible but „feelable“ thread.
The modern world runs on cronos
Large parts of the human world today orient around cronos – deadlines, plans, chronological time, often untethered from natural rhythms that would be conducive to kairos, as we would be attuned, listening to the changes of the winds, the leaves, the clouds…
…and we would naturally be doing the right things at the right time – because we are attuned.
My body revolts sitting inside in front of a screen when it is sunny out and time for feeling the fresh air and the sunlight on my skin, moving my body through the colors, textures and sounds of the season…
My body seems to naturally be tapped into Kairos and my mind reaches for Cronos. When both are aligned I feel, that's when I am the happiest. When my mind makes decisions, that leads to a feeling in my body that feels good. That feels nourishing. That feels significant. That's bliss.
Kairos is crying out to us,
as the weather and climate are changing,
asking us to attune,
calling us into action.
k a i r o s
M i R A C L E S
I invite you to allow miracles to even be a possibility – instead of hushing them away as a fairytale. Allowing the possibility that things are coming together even more beautiful than our mind could have anticipated, with just a little bit of letting go, of spaciousness, of breathing, shifting, moving and allowing. With guidance from within the body who directly connects us to the wisdom of life on this large planet.
The body is always "tapped in" –
My body seems to naturally be tapped into Kairos and my mind reaches for Cronos. When both are aligned I feel, that's when I am the happiest. When my mind makes decisions that lead to my body feeling good. Feeling nourished. That feels significant. That's bliss. It does take a realistic mind to make enough space for kairos.
Some words about
The illustration reflects some of the insights and experiences I have gained last year and sensing into the new year. Asking for relationship building and repair – with ourselves, with each other, with place – even with that which we fear, with that which we need, with that which needs us. An illustration that holds a prayer for the simultaneous existence of life in all forms. Of energy in all forms. Of realities in all forms. AI not being neglected, death not being unacknowledged. What is our relationship to these beings and energies? Who or what in this picture are you drawn to? Why?
It is yours to see what speaks to you.
Is it the glow of things?
Is it the darkness?
Is it the dead branch on the tree or the eagle perched on top of it?…
If you feel inclined, please let me know what speaks to you and why. :)
A SHORT story by robin
Robin, who has been by my side for the past two and a half years, has written a little short story prompted by the visual.
Thank you, Robin. :)
I drew the snake more prominent than the other animals, not knowing why, trying to doubt my decision, until someone mentioned the New Chinese Year will be in the sign of the snake. Then I knew something inside of me was tapped in to that larger phenomenon.
This said, I hope 2025 the energy of the snake for 2025 will help you shed old skins that don’t fit you any more. Letting got of anything you have grown out of, so you can thrive in being fully yourself – the whole palette. All colors that make you, you. The kind of palette the guides you to the right places, in the right moment, meeting people, who are conducive to your well-being as you are to theirs. May this year honor your intentions.
If your curiosity stirs you, you are welcome to continue reading about recent developments in my professional path (it’s all a big colourfully mixed bag anyway. Remembering a comment my friend Charlie once made: “Jenni. You defy any category.” ) This sure doesn’t make me a natural friend of bureaucracy, to which I bow and must have sometimes appeared as a threatening being, moving way too freely in this world. But healing for both of us is on its way. I can feel it :) As bureaucracy is about to topple, tripping over its own feet, with it falls patriarchy. With the alive ways of androgyny and caring ways of the feminine awaiting them to soften their fall.
It’s a surprise the word “bureaucrazy” hasn’t caught on yet to describe the state we are often put in.
QUO VADIS? [Where are you headed?]
Some people may remember my post on the metamorphosis phase [>>] I literally “headed” into, starting in 2018 — I’d say career-wise I have now developed into a beautifully capable butterfly as a:
A dream job come true!
Having finished my education in ecology and systems thinking with receiving my Master’s of Science in Global Change Management on the topic of regional-scale Circular Sanitation [Find videos, paper and illustrations of Master’s thesis here: ] about a year ago and throughout this learning phase having realized how powerful visuals and art are in communicating ideas, visions, concepts I have come back to doing illustration in the service of the growth of communities and regenerative organisms hoping to make the world a better place. Visual Scribing means being a fly on the wall in conferences and gatherings and capturing snippets of conversations and key concepts on large canvases (paper or on tablet) and reflecting back this visual summary as a synthesis to the groups at the end of the gathering.
Some of my highlights from this work last year were the Cowichan Region Climate Gathering (thank you Carla and Jennifer for sending this opportunity my way), the GOAT – Gathering for Open Agriculture Technologies, the NADAWG – North American Digital Agriculture Working Group, and other smaller gatherings in person and online (big thanks to Sam for continuously weaving me in a a visual witness to a series of gatherings.)
Image of the digital visual scribing of Cowichan Valley Climate Gathering:
To see more of my
visual scribing work
please go here:
This said, doors are open to be hired as a visual scribe. :) *
As of two weeks ago I have joined the mission to support Nanaimo Forest School to spread her wings as a not-for-profit community service cooperative. I am hoping to deliver great visual communications, visioning, support with organization, project management and networking with other local initiatives. The Forest School hosts children for play and exploration in the wonderful nature places here in Nanaimo's foresty parks and edible neighbourhood food forests (aka agrihoods), helping children aliven their sense of connection to nature and stewardship of places, removing invasive species and building a localized culture with animals, plants and mushrooms.
Two weeks in I am figuring out how to support this mission and reduce the hours in front of the screen currently required for this. #realitycheck Aiming to make myself replaceable and obsolete to the tasks that require screen time ASAP :)
being a “Professional Perceptionist”
In the spirit of healing and building relationships I would love to get trained in systemic constellation – family constellation AND Earth & Nature constellation. It’s always hard to describe this work. It’s best if you just experience it. If you don’t know it yet. I recommend attending a constellation as a representative or witness in a nearby locality. It’s eye- and heart-opening and very human. :)
This past year I was able to witness the power of this work again. A little over a year ago I received a healing constellation with Johannes Schmidt which I attribute to having created an unexpected opening in my path. Last October I joined Susan Schlosser in doing Earth and Nature Constellations in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. I followed the invitation which reached me on my way to California – I had packed for a one week trip, but little did I know I wouldn’t be coming back for a month in the end. Which has been a pattern this year. The constellation nested well between two conferences I went to in California and I was able to take the Amtrak train from LA to New Mexico, which I loved. Earth and Nature constellations are wild. I loved it and hope to explore further.… for those who don't know anything about constellation work I recommend attending a constellation as a representative or witness in their nearby locality. It's eye and heart opening and very human :)
Sometimes I wish I was hired to just perceive and share my perceptions of my environment. Be it bike paths and pedestrian friendly infrastructure in Nanaimo or the energy of a space.
I close with gratitude for all of you who have helped me to become more of myself, gratitude for being invited to live here on Vancouver Island and connect with the magic and powers this land has to offer. I deeply, deeply love this dear Island. I love you and especially the Coastal Douglas Fir Family that resides along your coastlines on hills and mountains.
To close the reading I invite you for
another deep breath in….
…and out.
Off you go, dearest fellow human,
May we make this world a better place than how we’ve found it.
And may our paths cross soon again in the digital or physical realm.
With lots of warmth and January sun,
— Jenni Ottilie
Are you still reading?
Well, then you're welcome to check out the list of recommended resources that I have put together :)
List of
recommended resources
Family Constellation
>> Renate Wirth’s Books "Im Herzen Frei" and "Die Seele heilen" are available as audiobooks, as well. Written in German.
>> Susan Schlosser's True Nature Constellation Work
Sensemaking & Attunement
>> The Emerald – Currents and trends through the mythic lens
I particularly liked the one on "Why mindfulness isn't enough".
A helpful podcast to gain a larger perspective on the living connective tissue of our world.
>> Future Ecologies Podcast
Ecology, meets sound, meets art meets amazingly funny hosts.
Anyone who loves nature, great sound, story, ecology, people's voices, holistic perspectives, this is your jam :)
Regenerating the Earth
>> Water Stories
“We train and connect people to heal their landscape and create water abundance.”
A mighty works platform and network with great resources, specifically the webinar on Values-Based Decision Making with Javan Bernakevitch I can warmly recommend (behind link, once you’ve signed in and requested access) :)
You will walk out more empowered and back on the steering wheel of your life.
* A secret note regarding classic illustration & design work …
I am letting go of applying this skill that sits like a golden shiny trophy on my shelf. It still seems to try to get my attention at times, tempting me with requests and inquiries. I also would love to see the outcome of the work, but barely do I enjoy the process it takes to get there. Usually screen work ends up in getting back to poor coffee habits, more belly fat and an expression of the lower parts of my self, spiraling down into doubting my ability to make right decisions, betraying my body, thinking I am a complete failure and ending up in depression, feeling I am missing the train on actually living my life. Like living – like moving my body – like breathing the changes in the air – like engaging with life in a multi-dimensional way, as in being in a committed full-time relationship. So I apologize to all the uncreated visuals, all the uncreated expressions of collaborations and team work with wonderful clients (who are often friends, too) and their ideas. I pray your ideas may find an even better channel than my visual birth canal, as I am making space to be birthing other creations and creatures into my life… always following that little silver thread of beauty and divine creation…