This blogpost aims to take you a bit on my journey. I am hoping that what I am sharing will be nourishment to you and may spark some curious thoughts, ideas and invitations for collaborations among ourselves and with others. […] I have found that there need to be more of us, who look at what’s below our feet and understand how the earth beneath our feet can be fed by our “waste” (manure and humanure, food scraps, garden “waste”…).and see how this is an important step towards integrating death as part of the ecology of life.
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We Are In.Tuition – Design for a fieldbook full of inspiration
Designing the layout for a fieldbook on intuition was a true pleasure. The collaboration with the initiators Ele Jansen and Monique Potts was one of appreciation from both sides.
#intuition #universe #non-violent communication #transdisciplinary approach #art #theoryU #deep ecology #possibility management #Dragon Dreaming #The Arte of Hosting #SocialPresencingTheater #OpenValueNetwork #Hidden Commitments / Immunity to Change #Magic #Shamanism #Emergence Pedagogy #Coyote Pedagogy #Open Space Technology #Hero’s Journey #Positionality #conversational intelligence #serendipty management #
Read MoreShould I stay or should I go? →
Should I stay or should I go? – Zwei Monate bin ich unterwegs durch die USA und Kanada, um meine Fühler nach Orten des Ankommens auszustrecken. Auf der Suche nach einer möglichen neuen Heimat und natürlich nach mir selber, in Montreal und Ithaca, NY.
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