Vernissage-Einladung zur Tiefsee-Expedition von-Stolz-und-Keppler – am 9.Mai 2015

Am 9.Mai 2015, um 17Uhr ist es soweit, die Pforten der königlichen Tiefseeakademie in Sassnitz, Böttcherstr. 5, öffnen sich für großes Publikum. Hier schon ein paar erste Ein- und Ausblicke darauf.
Es erwarten Sie mit vielen Krakenarmen, Philippe Armando von Stolz (Expeditionsleiter) & Fräulein Jenniviève Ottilie Keppler (Zeichnerin und Kunstmalerin).

Tiefsee Einladung

Photo and Art of The Kraken by Philipp Stulz, Photo and Art of Fish Ink Drawing by Jenni Ottilie Keppler


[Visual notes taken during a talk on the Blue Economy Projects (102!!!) by the amazing Gunter Pauli.]


"The Blue Economy goes beyond the Green Economy. The present employment crisis, especially amongst the young does not permit us to pursue a business model that aims to cut costs by cutting employment, a model that offers the best for everyone's health and the environment as the most expensive. Time has come to shift towards a competitive business model that allows producers to offer the best at the lowest prices by introducing innovations that generate multiple benefits, not just increased profits. This economic philosophy was first introduced in 1994 by Prof. Gunter Pauli when asked by the United Nations to reflect on the business models of the future. Now, substantiated by over 180 concrete cases, it is increasingly clear that it is possible to generate more revenue, while generating more jobs and still compete on the global market."

Find more on the Blue Economy here:…/The_Blue_Economy.html

Deep Sea Creature Project

Creating together. An exploration of the abyss.

A 9-day exploration of working on a theme, structure and work flow together. The result is still in the making, but we've started with some illustrations and sculptures (by project partner Philipp Stulz), made of shiny tin, and dark fireclay. The plan for the realization of my illustrations is to do screen-printing, so what you see here is not final at all yet. 

— Sassnitz, Rügen, Germany. July 21–29, exhibition planned for Spring 2015

Dad makes use of the copy-left of my "Animal ABC" – Go Daddy!

I couldn't be happier, finding my dad copy my art and doing so, even dealing with the challenge of imitating water-ink-drawings on a stone wall. Go Daddy!

This month my dad had asked me for high-quality- prints of the Animals I drew a couple years ago. Why? Because he was inspired and motivated to eternalize them on a (honestly pretty brittle) wall in our garden. I remained impressed, by how well, he copied them. You can find the originals in my portfolio and at the end of this blog entry. Has any of you ever had your own work copied by someone?

OuiShapes Photobooth with Lucie Van Der Elst @ #OSFest14

In collaboration with friend and illustrator Lucie Van Der Elst we created a playful photobooth during the OuiShare Fest, Conference dedicated to the Collaborative Economy, that took place in Paris, May 5–7 2014. Through the DIY-OuiShapes Photobooth the Fest-Attendees had the chance to REALLY get in shape. Take a look and explore the collaborative and interactive spirit of creating playful sceneries together!

Lucie showing off with the Props!

Lucie showing off with the Props!

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to La Reserve Des Arts Paris for their support with recycled material waste, creating more sustainable material chains.

FOUND beautiful Bio-Degradable and Edible Christmas Decorations!

Crafting Cleo's & Esmé's Adventcalendar of 2013

…So this is New York…

Where the dog poop on the sidewalk looks like something.

Where the dog poop on the sidewalk looks like something…

Where the dog poop on the sidewalk looks like something…

Over the course of the past week I've met so many interesting people from all sorts of different professional fields, mostly by chance, check out this quick list:

* An ESL teacher / Permaculture Activist * A Neural Engineer (helping people who had strokes regain their ability to fully function by using virtuality as a stimulus, FYI: There's a strong trend / increase in Toddlers getting strokes, but nobody knows the reason for that yet… very strange…) * An Environmental Engineer helping to restore patches of land that have been contaminated * 2 female Comedians from Toronto > * A woman working at the UN / Permaculture Activist-ish * Community Manager of the Co-Working space WeWork > * A VERY hearty musician and his colleagues > Josiah, The Head and the Heart * Several Developers > * A Permaculturistic Designer > * Architect who once worked his a** off for Rafael Vinoly (known for his car-frying buildings) * A very inspiring Herbologist * A set designers who just joined a Union * Somebody who goes into schools to give teachers feedback on their teaching (posture etc.) * Animators (that was actually 2 weeks ago) working doing animation that supports political (left-wing) causes (e.g. M.Moore's Bowling For Columbine)

All that in a city where there's dog poop on the sidewalk that looks like a rhino thinking: So this is New York…