The Raccoon and the Moose are my first wall painting, approx. 4m x 8m – We used a grid, two people and a rough eye to transfer the sketch onto the wall. // LOCATION: Berlin Lichtenberg
// ARTWORK: A raccoon because there is a raccoon family living in the space and a Moose, that stands for the cartype which can be found around there a lot.
Sculpture Martha Bird by illustrator ATAK
Remembrance Day for Lost Species // Nacht der ausgestorbenen Tiere @ Baumhaus Wedding
In honor of the amazing biodoversity of our planet, for the Remembrance Day for Lost Species we put together an evening of poetry, art, animation and board game. The event took place at the neighborhood project Baumhaus in Berlin Wedding.
Read MoreVernissage-Einladung zur Tiefsee-Expedition von-Stolz-und-Keppler – am 9.Mai 2015
Am 9.Mai 2015, um 17Uhr ist es soweit, die Pforten der königlichen Tiefseeakademie in Sassnitz, Böttcherstr. 5, öffnen sich für großes Publikum. Hier schon ein paar erste Ein- und Ausblicke darauf.
Es erwarten Sie mit vielen Krakenarmen, Philippe Armando von Stolz (Expeditionsleiter) & Fräulein Jenniviève Ottilie Keppler (Zeichnerin und Kunstmalerin).
Photo and Art of The Kraken by Philipp Stulz, Photo and Art of Fish Ink Drawing by Jenni Ottilie Keppler
Dad makes use of the copy-left of my "Animal ABC" – Go Daddy!
I couldn't be happier, finding my dad copy my art and doing so, even dealing with the challenge of imitating water-ink-drawings on a stone wall. Go Daddy!
This month my dad had asked me for high-quality- prints of the Animals I drew a couple years ago. Why? Because he was inspired and motivated to eternalize them on a (honestly pretty brittle) wall in our garden. I remained impressed, by how well, he copied them. You can find the originals in my portfolio and at the end of this blog entry. Has any of you ever had your own work copied by someone?

Crafting Cleo's & Esmé's Adventcalendar of 2013