Dear all*,
thank you for your curiosity in the subject of sanitation and the restoration of the human nutrient cycle.
In appreciation of your curiosity you are cordially invited to attend
February 29th, 2024
Depending on your timezone:
Vancouver 08:00—08:50
New York 11:00—11:50
Berlin 17:00—17:50
Please arrive 1–2 minutes early.
— online —
The defense will be held in English.
*interested in regenerative living sanitation, nutrient recycling, systems thinking, systems modelling, systems leadership, global change processes, composting toilets, governance for innovation, resilience thinking…
The defense includes a 20 minute presentation of the research subject and findings of the thesis followed by 30 min of discussion (en guard!) with questions from the supervisors and eventually the audience (karma is real, mind your questions ;) ).
Big Blue Button (bbb) is a browser-based video conferencing tool. Please check this Big Blue Button website to make sure your settings are compatible with the tool. The address link will be sent out to those interested, once my super visor has shared it with me. Please come 1–2 minutes early to ensure your audio and video settings are working.
Please let me know if you’re coming by sending me an email to my email address. That way I can send you the link to the video conference. RSVP with an email to ottilie.keppler [at] and add the defense date to your google calendar.
Vancouver Island Circular Sanitation Online Gathering
If you are a circular sanitation** enthusiast living in the VI region please sign up below. I am planning to host a first online convergence in the next months. The intention is to sow a seed for pilot projects on the island.
Please sign up here:
** regenerative, waterless, resource oriented, composting toilet based etc.
Overview graphic combining the approach, context, scope, and results of the thesis. CC-BY-SA Jenni Ottilie Keppler 2023
My 260-page master’s thesis in its raw and un-evaluated form can be accessed as a PDF here (some data in the appendix has been excluded for this version):
The thesis was written as part of the Master of Science Global Change Management at the University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde and as part of an independent research stay as a visiting graduate research program with the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region and Vancouver Island University. The research topic was self-initiated and the research activities as part of the internship were funded through two scholarships from the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).
illustrations from the thesis to make the contents more digestible:
Thank you to everyone who helped along the way.