(Layout & Illustrations)
A fieldbook with an inspiring collection of Knowledge, Experiences and Wisdoms – written by participants of an artist residency in Cowra, Australia.

You can download the Web-PDF-Version of this book here:
DOWNLOAD “We Are In.Tuition Fieldbook PDF”
Edited by:
Dr Ele Jansen, Monique Potts (initiators), Kate Alexandra, Jax Wechsler, Peregrine Chiara, Dr Susanne Pratt, Katie Ross, Vanessa Alexander, Dr Jacqueline McManus, Lee Wallace
Fonts used for titles: 1938 STeMPEL, Beauty and the Beast, Cabin Sketch, Cairo, Huntress
Fonts used for body text: Alegreya Sans
This fieldbook is a prototype created by many and released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) to be shared, remixed and expanded.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify owners of copyright. Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions.
Supported by UTS IECI, Learn Do Share, The Corridor Project, Cowra and StartSomeGood.

Open it Agency
(Logodesign, Graphic design, Illustration)
"Open It Agency is (was) an agency and hub based in Berlin specializing in Open Source projects, communication and strategies. We help projects, communities, public agencies and companies to understand and effectively use Open Source/Openness. We also develop our own projects and initiatives."
2014 – Designing as an agency Co-Founder

Designing for the OSCEDays was a collaborative process, which you can find explained below. the event really walked its talk as it is open source, highly participative and decentralized, yet connected.
Credits and Thanks for the key idea of the logo design go to Max Fabian. Further thanks to the brainstorm and live-design session go to Judith Carnaby, Sam Muirhead, Alex Shure and Lars Zimmermann
2015 – Project as Open It Agency
* Read more about the OSCEDAYS *
Designing collaboratively can pose a great challenge, if you don't do it right. From my experience it works really well, when files are passed on chronologically between designers. That way we get our own space and time to work on it in our secret chamber. Read more…
Above: Design adaptations created by OSCEDays Participants around the world.

(LogO, Infographic, CI – Work in Progress)
"OPENMEDiAID is an open source, non-profit, patient-centered and collaborative medicine platform. It is built to help people with chronic medical conditions to find answers to their medical problems using the collective knowledge of more experienced patients."
The Design for this project was created in close cooperation with the founder Benjamin Diedrichsen. As this is a mostly pro-bono project for me The design develops along the needs that arise (you know how it goes: logo, business cards, infographic, flyer, …).
Harley Wallace, while interning as a graphic designer in our co.working space THINKFARM in 2015.

– Thinkfarm –
Facilitating communication
(Collaborative CI + Signage – Work in Progress)
2015 – Semi-ProBono Side Project
(Concept & Layout)
Leading up to the OuiShare Fest 2014 the "Questagrams" were shared one each week on OuiShare's social media channels. A first draft of these important and partially provocative questions was provided through our discussions in early February when we met as a team in Paris, to shape the frame work of the fest program. For the exact phrasing of the Questagrams I worked together with team mate Francesca Pick.
In search of an answer to the question, the illegibly sized font in the center provokes the reader to click on the image. The answer is the OuiShare Fest.
The Questagrams were well-received and I was soon asked to create a version for the Spanish-speaking world.
2014 – Commissioned by OuiShareFest

OPENIT Festival Berlin
(CI, Poster Design, Videography)
"We’ll hack the city, open it, experiment within it and together invent our open source, green and economically sustainable future. Show us your ideas!"
OPENiT Festival was a neighborhood-based, green, open guerilla Festival, that took place in Berlin-Kreuzberg in September 2013. Although initiated by a single individual (Lars Zimmermann) the organization of the event formats, which involved workshops, talks, performances, think tanks, exhibitions and guided tours was very open and participative, as the festival aims to transform the place by involving the people, initiatives, stores and spaces that are located in the place naturally (instead of involving external resources). There were also some people from the "outside" invited to give talks or hold workshops to set inspiration to the locals.
For the poster prints we received great support from the eco-socially conscious printery OKTOBERDRUCK. The paper we used came from a left over stack of recycling paper.